LBP statement on tax bill passage


GOP Tax Plan Will Harm Louisiana Families—Will Louisiana Elected Officials Make It Worse By Supporting Cuts in Critical Programs in 2018?

BATON ROUGE – Jan Moller, executive director of the Louisiana Budget Project released the following statement after the final passage of the GOP tax bill:

“By passing this damaging tax bill, Republicans have put the interests of powerful corporations and wealthy households above working families in Louisiana. While large corporations get a big, permanent tax break, families in the middle will see little gain from this bill – and thousands of Louisiana families will actually see their taxes go up when parts of the bill expire in future years.

“It’s important to remember that this is part of a two-step plan: First comes massive, deficit-busting tax breaks for big corporations. Next comes a budget with deep cuts to programs that help families of limited means afford food, housing, health care, and other basic needs. This represents a one-two punch for working families, children, seniors, and people with disabilities, and will put even more pressure on Louisiana’s state budget.

“It’s bad enough that Congress is showering the wealthy with unneeded tax breaks. It’s simply wrong to pay for them by trying to take away health care, food assistance and other help that struggling families depend on. Every member of the House and Senate should commit now to standing against these budget cuts.”


They include details about safety-net programs like Medicaid, tax credits for low-income workers and educational scholarships and help promote a better understanding of how safety-net programs affect different communities across our state.
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